
Historic Evansville

The definitive site for all things historic in Evansville

Matching Tags: Old State National Bank [oldnational2]

Old State National Bank

1856 Map of Evansville

1880 Map of Evansville

1888 Map of Evansville

Main St

Old State National Bank

Old State National Bank

Old National Bank

Old State National Bank

Old State National Bank

Home of Old National Bank

Foot of Main St during 1913 flood

Foot of Main St 1947

Old National Bank

Main St during 1937 Flood

Old State National Bank of Evansville

Main Street 1933

First block of Main St c1950

The Old State National Bank on Main

The Old National Bank

Evansville National Bank

Moose Home at 20 Main St

Old State National Bank

New home of the Moose Lodge

1884 Sanborn Map

1895 Sanborn Map

1910 Sanborn Map

Downtown 1940